around 8pm
Gurney Plaza
Actually we wana watch Money not enough2, but the time is not appropriate for us. So it's ok, we chose Black Water lo... It is based on a real story in Northern Australia. A bit scary but very bored too! haizz... i rate 5/10.
After buying d tickets, i feel so hungry coz not yet have my dinner. I tot will have dinner together ma. But they all ate ad. So i go tapao food and eat inside the cinema. Paiseh nia... the smell is all around. haha...
this is Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks (a small stall with a few chairs)
Happy! Ricebox Set with Chilled Soya Milk cost RM9... expensive! Food is so so,not bad.
Once u're in the water, u're in danger!!! -Grace and Lee-
the scary croc
After mv, we went for supper opp Peng Hwa High School. I cannot too late go home coz i wanna donate blood, so they just eat and chit chat for a while. hehe... dat's all, ciao!!!
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