Sunday, May 24, 2009


Wat's wrong with me??? oh my gosh... now the time strikes to 5.20AM!!!! and now i am stil so AWAKE!!! awake with my blink blink eyes... this is so bad. I just drank a few mouthfuls of coffee at dinner just now and the caffeine did a wonderous job. LoL... hate it!!! Hello caffeine, can you help me to stay awake during my exams when i'm burning the midnite oil? Oh well, fine. All I want now is go to bed now and SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP like a pig. Tomorrow or i should say today, is SUNDAY. I do have to attend church service. Hey bloggers/ visitors, do u mind to share with me " What do u do during midnight when u couldn't fall asleep? " I did many things to help myself but they just couldn't work. (such as reading books, watching TV, thinking, talking to myself? haha... ) Argh... i couldn't think of it anymore. Visitors, please leave interesting comments for me. I do appreciate a lot. Thank You=)

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